Biden’s ‘closely-held’ decision took White House by surprise

President Joe Biden’s recent decision to withdraw all US troops from Afghanistan by September 11, 2021, has taken the White House by surprise. The decision, which was described as “closely-held” by White House officials, reportedly caught many top officials off guard.

Biden’s decision to end America’s longest war comes after months of deliberation and discussions with his national security team. The President has long been critical of the US military presence in Afghanistan, calling it a “forever war” that has cost the lives of thousands of American soldiers and billions of dollars.

The announcement of the troop withdrawal has sparked mixed reactions, with some praising Biden for fulfilling his campaign promise to bring American troops home, while others expressing concerns about the potential consequences of a hasty withdrawal. Critics argue that the Taliban, which still controls large parts of Afghanistan, could gain more power and threaten the stability of the country.

White House officials have defended Biden’s decision, saying that the President carefully considered all options and consulted with military and intelligence officials before making his final decision. They also emphasized that the US will continue to support the Afghan government and security forces through diplomatic and humanitarian means.

The decision to withdraw all US troops from Afghanistan marks a significant shift in US foreign policy and is likely to have far-reaching implications for the region. It remains to be seen how the Taliban and other militant groups in Afghanistan will react to the troop withdrawal and whether the Afghan government will be able to maintain stability and security in the country.

Overall, Biden’s decision to withdraw all US troops from Afghanistan reflects his commitment to ending America’s involvement in endless wars and focusing on other pressing issues, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and economic recovery. However, the decision has also raised concerns about the future of Afghanistan and the potential consequences of a sudden withdrawal of American troops.

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