Campaigns spar over muting microphones

In the lead up to the presidential debate on Thursday night, the campaigns of President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden are sparring over the issue of muting microphones during the event. The Commission on Presidential Debates announced earlier this week that it would be implementing new rules for the second debate in order to prevent interruptions and ensure a more orderly discussion.

The new rules state that each candidate will have two minutes of uninterrupted time to speak at the beginning of each segment, during which the opposing candidate’s microphone will be muted. This decision comes in response to the chaotic first debate, which was marked by constant interruptions and cross-talk between the two candidates.

President Trump’s campaign has pushed back against the new rules, with Trump himself calling them “unfair” and accusing the commission of bias. Trump’s campaign manager, Bill Stepien, sent a letter to the commission on Monday requesting that the rule be revoked, arguing that it would give Biden an unfair advantage.

On the other hand, Biden’s campaign has expressed support for the new rules, with campaign manager Kate Bedingfield stating that they are necessary in order to ensure a “more substantive and civil debate.” Biden himself has also voiced approval of the rule, saying that he is “looking forward to being able to actually speak with the American people.”

The issue of muting microphones has sparked a heated debate between the two campaigns, with each side accusing the other of trying to gain an unfair advantage. However, many political analysts believe that the new rules are necessary in order to prevent a repeat of the chaotic first debate and to allow for a more substantive discussion of the issues facing the country.

As the second debate approaches, all eyes will be on how the candidates handle the new rules and whether they will be able to engage in a more civil and productive discussion. The American people will be watching closely to see how each candidate responds to the challenge of speaking without interruption and how they present their policies and vision for the future of the country.

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