Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin to transfers powers due to medical procedure

The United States Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin will be temporarily transferring his powers to Deputy Defence Secretary Kathleen Hicks as he undergoes a medical procedure, the Pentagon announced on Friday.

Austin, who was sworn in as Defence Secretary in January, is scheduled to undergo a medical procedure that requires him to be under anesthesia. As a precaution, he will transfer his powers to Hicks, who will serve as the Acting Defence Secretary until his return.

This decision was made in accordance with established protocols for situations where the Defence Secretary is unable to perform his duties. Hicks, who has served in various roles within the Department of Defence, is well-equipped to step into this temporary role and ensure that the department continues to operate smoothly during Austin’s absence.

In a statement, Austin expressed confidence in Hicks’s ability to lead the department in his absence. He also thanked the department’s leadership team for their support and assured that he will be fully engaged during his recovery.

This news comes at a critical time for the Department of Defence, as it grapples with a range of national security challenges, including ongoing military operations overseas and the need to modernize the armed forces. The temporary transfer of powers to Hicks will ensure that the department can continue to address these challenges effectively while Austin focuses on his recovery.

While the exact nature of Austin’s medical procedure has not been disclosed, his decision to temporarily transfer his powers to Hicks is a prudent one that prioritizes his health and well-being. This move underscores the importance of ensuring that senior government officials are able to take care of their health without compromising the functioning of the government.

As Deputy Defence Secretary, Hicks will have the authority to make decisions on behalf of the Defence Secretary and oversee the day-to-day operations of the department. She will work closely with the rest of the department’s leadership team to ensure that any major decisions are made in consultation with Austin when possible.

Overall, this temporary transfer of powers is a testament to the professionalism and preparedness of the Department of Defence leadership. It demonstrates the importance of having contingency plans in place to ensure that the department can continue to fulfill its vital mission even in the face of unexpected challenges.

We wish Secretary Austin a speedy recovery and look forward to his return to his duties as soon as possible. In the meantime, we are confident that Acting Defence Secretary Hicks will lead the department with integrity and competence.

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