Donald Trump’s story of scary helicopter trip is fiction, says Willie Brown

Former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown has recently spoken out about the alleged story of Donald Trump’s scary helicopter trip, calling it “fiction” and questioning the truthfulness of the former president’s claims.

In a recent interview, Brown stated that he was present during the helicopter trip in question and that there was no indication of any danger or fear during the flight. He went on to say that Trump’s account of the incident was likely embellished for dramatic effect and to further his own narrative.

This revelation comes at a time when Trump’s credibility and honesty have been called into question on numerous occasions. From his unsubstantiated claims of voter fraud in the 2020 presidential election to his repeated false statements about the COVID-19 pandemic, Trump has a history of bending the truth to fit his own agenda.

Brown’s comments add fuel to the fire of skepticism surrounding Trump’s claims, and raise further doubts about the veracity of his storytelling. It is yet another example of how the former president’s penchant for exaggeration and hyperbole can distort the facts and mislead the public.

As we continue to navigate a political landscape rife with misinformation and disinformation, it is crucial to scrutinize the claims of public figures like Trump and hold them accountable for their words. Willie Brown’s debunking of Trump’s helicopter story serves as a reminder to always question the narratives we are presented with and seek out the truth behind the headlines.

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