Netanyahu to address US Congress on 24 July

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to address the US Congress on 24 July, in what is expected to be a highly anticipated and contentious speech. This will be Netanyahu’s fourth address to the US Congress, and it comes at a time of heightened tensions between the US and Israel.

The speech is expected to focus on Iran and the controversial nuclear deal that was reached between Iran and six world powers, including the US, in 2015. Netanyahu has been a vocal critic of the deal, which he believes does not go far enough in preventing Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. He has called for the deal to be renegotiated or scrapped altogether.

The timing of Netanyahu’s speech is significant, as it comes just weeks after the US withdrew from the Iran nuclear deal and reimposed sanctions on Iran. Netanyahu has been a strong supporter of President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the deal, and he is likely to use his speech to urge Congress to support the US administration’s tough stance on Iran.

Netanyahu’s speech is also expected to touch on other key issues, such as the ongoing conflict in Syria, the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, and the recent violence along the Gaza border. He is likely to reiterate Israel’s commitment to its security and its right to defend itself against threats from its neighbors.

The speech is expected to be met with both support and criticism from members of Congress. While Netanyahu is sure to receive a warm welcome from many Republicans, who have been strong supporters of Israel, he may face opposition from some Democrats who have voiced concerns about his policies and his close relationship with President Trump.

Overall, Netanyahu’s address to the US Congress promises to be a highly charged and important event, as he seeks to rally support for Israel’s positions on key issues and strengthen ties with the US. It will be interesting to see how his speech is received and what impact it will have on US-Israel relations moving forward.

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