Steve Bannon may head to prison after appeal fails

Steve Bannon, the former White House chief strategist for President Donald Trump, may be heading to prison after his appeal was rejected by a federal court. Bannon was charged with fraud and money laundering in connection with a fundraising campaign to build a wall along the US-Mexico border.

In August 2020, Bannon and three others were indicted for allegedly defrauding donors to the “We Build the Wall” campaign, which raised over $25 million. The campaign promised to use the money to build a wall along the border, but prosecutors alleged that Bannon and his co-defendants used the funds for personal expenses.

Bannon pleaded not guilty to the charges and claimed that he was being targeted for his political beliefs. However, a federal judge rejected his argument and ruled that there was enough evidence to proceed with the case. Bannon’s appeal was also denied, increasing the likelihood that he will be convicted and face prison time.

If Bannon is found guilty, he could face up to 20 years in prison for each of the two fraud charges, as well as additional time for the money laundering charge. This would be a significant fall from grace for Bannon, who was once one of the most powerful figures in the Trump administration.

Bannon’s legal troubles come at a time when he has been trying to make a political comeback. He has been actively involved in promoting right-wing causes and candidates, and has been a vocal critic of President Joe Biden’s administration. However, if he is convicted and sent to prison, it could spell the end of his political career.

In the meantime, Bannon remains free on bail as he awaits trial. His legal team has vowed to continue fighting the charges and maintain his innocence. However, with the appeal now behind him, Bannon’s future looks increasingly uncertain. Only time will tell whether he will ultimately have to face the consequences of his alleged crimes.

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