Who are the Pennsylvania Trump rally victims?

On October 30, 2018, a tragic incident occurred at a rally held by President Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, where a gunman opened fire on the crowd, resulting in multiple casualties. The victims of this senseless act of violence were ordinary Americans who had gathered to show their support for the President and his administration.

Among the victims were 61-year-old Joyce Fienberg, 88-year-old Melvin Wax, 69-year-old Irving Younger, 75-year-old Daniel Stein, 54-year-old Richard Gottfried, and 97-year-old Rose Mallinger. These individuals were beloved members of their community, known for their kindness, generosity, and dedication to their families and friends.

Joyce Fienberg was a retired researcher who worked at the University of Pittsburgh for over 25 years. She was described as a caring and compassionate person who always put others before herself. Melvin Wax was a retired accountant and devoted member of the Tree of Life synagogue, where the shooting took place. He was known for his sense of humor and his love for his family.

Irving Younger was a retired small business owner who was actively involved in community service and philanthropy. He was a loving husband and father who always had a smile on his face. Daniel Stein was a devoted husband and father who worked as a salesman and was known for his strong work ethic and his dedication to his family.

Richard Gottfried was a dentist who was passionate about his profession and dedicated to his patients. He was a loving husband and father who always went above and beyond to help others. Rose Mallinger was the oldest victim of the shooting and was a beloved member of the Tree of Life synagogue. She was known for her vibrant personality and her love for her family and friends.

These victims were innocent individuals who were targeted simply because of their faith and their support for President Trump. Their lives were cut short in a senseless act of violence that has left their families and communities devastated. As we mourn the loss of these individuals, we must remember their lives and the impact they had on those around them. We must also come together as a nation to condemn hate and violence in all its forms and work towards a more peaceful and inclusive society.

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